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Children’s Book Review: All The Things You Can Be

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All The Things You Can Be by De’Landria Napier

Ages 4-7
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A wonderful introduction to possibility for elementary aged children

All The Things You Can Be is a funny and quick-witted intro to career possibilities for our children. We join this group of school-aged children on their last day of school with a very engaging and excitable school teacher.

Before she releases them for summer break, she is anxious for them to imagine a future outside of the norm. As they begin to share their thoughts and dreams– she devotes time encourage them while also pushing them to dream a bit bigger.

As a parent, of course, the different career options were not new to me. However, my interest was held by the quick-witted dialogues between the characters that we meet throughout the journey! I found myself giggling while reading.

This did lead me to want to know more about the characters! I can see this book being broken down into different career options where we can learn a bit more about the characters and their career options.

What made this book even more enjoyable is the believable and relatable dialogue between the teacher and her students. When reading this book with your children, you will want to imagine that this is exactly how school happens for your child. An environment where they are invited to share, be encouraged, and learn to dream big!

We thoroughly enjoyed this book and look forward to more from this author.

Summary from Website

A children’s book reminding kids of color that they truly can be whatever they want to be. Never be limited by what society wants you to be! Believe in yourself and keep pushing! Learn more about ALL THE THINGS YOU CAN BE!

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