aidynsbooks find time to read to child

How Do I Find Time To Read To My Child

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How Do I Find Time To Read To My Child

Most people attempt to fit in reading time at bedtime

What does bedtime look like in your house? If you’re like me, it can be A MESS! I mean… by the time it arrives you are just as tired as your children. In your head, you are begging for a second wind to hit so you can finish out the day and be done with “adulting”. But.. oh yeah! There IS this thing called a bedtime routine… which includes storytime (sigh). You cry out, “How long do I have to do this for? Can I read a page or two and be done? I’m tired!”  

I feel you. 

Trying to get your reading minutes in at bedtime can take all the fun out of storytime. As busy moms, we just want the kids to GO TO SLEEP! (Oops! Did I say that out loud?) They are adorable and lovely and all of the above!! BUT they need their rest, Momma needs her rest, and mornings go way better when bedtime happens on time. (Can I get an amen?!)

So how do you ensure you get in the right amount of reading minutes when bedtime can be so dreadful? Can I tell you a secret? I don’t try to reach my reading goals at bedtime. In fact, by the time bedtime comes, we have way surpassed our reading goal! 

I am here to share with you how to find time to read with your child– even as a busy mom.

Let’s go!

How many minutes a day should you read to your child?

We are all starting at a different place. Some of us have been reading with our kids for years, some of us haven’t started. And that is okay! Regardless of where you are in your reading journey– remember this: the discussion that the book creates is as important as the book itself. 

What does this mean?

If you only have 10 minutes to read a day (which is the goal I give parents first starting out)– save 5 minutes for discussion. That discussion should consist of open ended questions you ask your child about the text. 

Please do not feel pressured to read a whole book, chapter, or even page in one sitting. Focus on allowing your child to take the words and illustrations in. Ask questions to make sure they understand, their creativity is sparked, and you have a chance to bond with your child through the children’s book.

How do you find time to read?

For many busy moms, finding the time to read to your child can be the trickiest part.

Here are a few creative ways I have used to squeeze in reading time:

  1. Reading at the dinner table. You probably eat faster than your kiddos. While they are still eating, pick up a book and just begin reading. You may be surprised how engaged they are.
  2. Pop in an audiobook on long car rides. Do not shy away from audiobooks– they are a gift from God! We love to listen to a Roald Dahl selection or Awesome Friendly Kid on the Road.
  3. While waiting at the Dr’s office. Instead of picking up a magazine (which are probably not even on the tables anymore due to COVID) take a book with you to read with your child.
  4. Tip: Keep a book in your bag, so you always have one ready 😊

Pro Tip: Over 30 additional actionable tips are available in our FREE Resource Library. Sign up for our newsletter to gain access.

Should I read to my child every night?

Many of the parents I speak to in our FB Community get overwhelmed at the thought of reading every single day. While reading daily is certainly beneficial– it doesn’t need to be done every day. I believe that if we remove the pressure from reading aloud with our kids, it will happen naturally. Our kids will begin to ask for the read-aloud or even tune into audiobooks on their own. Yes, we want the chance to bond with our kids with read-alouds– but we also do not want to discourage independent reading. 

What is the perfect time to read?

The perfect time to read to your children is when you have the energy for it. We want read-alouds to be magical, full of life, a source of wonder for our children. If we are too tired to really get into the book– this is not the time to try and focus on a read-aloud. Reading more during the day will help to alleviate a sluggish read aloud when we are tired.

How does reading 20 minutes a day affect your child?

10-20 minutes a day of reading aloud is so beneficial for our children. So even as busy moms, it is important to try and find this time throughout our week to bond with our kiddos through books. 

One of the many reasons I read to Aidyn, my 7 year old son, and encourage other parents to do so is because I believe in the power of words. When we read to our children we give them words to use in the real world. These are words they will need to articulate their emotions, present information to teachers and other leaders, and allow them to feel more confident speaking in front of a group of their peers.

Studies show that, on average, a 7 year old can understand anywhere between 20,000 to 30,000 words. Children who are read to about 5 minutes a day, however, can understand over 300,000 words. 20 minutes a day? Over 1 million words!!!

Just 5 minutes a day has such a major impact on our children’s ability to express themselves. Powerful!!

Here are some other ways reading 20 minutes a day affects your child:

  1. Improves reading, writing, speaking, and listening
  2. It teaches a child to want to read
  3. It helps our children make connections
  4. Properly chosen books can aid in child rearing
  5. Read-alouds strengthen the bonds between parent and child

I really can go on and on about why reading with your child is important. There are so many benefits that will transcend into our children’s adult lives. 

Just remember this: You are not alone! We are all struggling to find time for all the things. Think outside of bedtime, ask your kiddo questions (bonding ❤️), and remove the pressure. You’ve got this!

Sign up here to gain access to our Resource Library. You’ll find a list of 35 little ways to make time for reading AND a list of open-ended questions to help amp up storytime.

❤️ Quinn

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